Meet Vaishali Adkar

May 21, 2021
Meet Vaishali Adkar

"It is kind words and good deeds that we will be remembered for."

Vaishali Adkar - WARE COLLECTIVE

Social activism and social change are central to MarketPlace's mission. Vaishali strongly believes there is more to life than material things. "It is kind words and good deeds that we will be remembered for. I am fortunate to have a college degree and my husband is also educated. Not everyone has this advantage, so I have a duty to help others."

She puts her words into actions. When she hears about programs that could help her neighbors, she takes on the responsibility of letting them know and assisting them in accessing help. In the early days of the pandemic she found out about government food subsidy programs that many did not know about. She not only advised those who were eligible, she even quietly shared some of her own subsidy when people had to wait to qualify. She has become an important resource for her neighbors on health and legal issues and has been active in demanding better sanitation facilities in her community.

She is also raising her two daughters to make caring choices. Her daughter Poonam is helping other children handle the challenges of virtual education through our Education for Life program. "I am pleased that my daughters are following the family belief of giving back to the community. The next generation needs to be responsible to improve and revitalize the community and make changes for the betterment of all."

Sangeeta Jadhav

Tags:   Women Empowerment  
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